courtenay – princeton
tuesday, may 20
four twenty am rise
gives ferry rush
that says goodbye
with tensions of what will come
mixing plans of constant change
with waiting to start
and horrors of yesterday
with joys of tomorrow
and lemon merange moments today
to arrive at starting point
gives time for sorting out
before it all begins
with reversed plans
packed as tight as can be
found before crossing paths
with real peddler
from world away
just starting out
as well
princeton – rock creek - rhone
wednesday, may 21
old and blind
not to be away
without toilet paper
is to be loaded in eleven passenger historic allison van
with eight bikes following before two hundred clicks away
starting point
at rock creek gold pan café
gives ready and willing beginning
with more available merange
and real portions once again
to be in three separate groups
going four different directions
is scrambled way to start
before kettle caboose rest stop
makes all settle
into peddled rhythms
at little dipper hummingbird haven final stop
where skies open
and refuge is taken
with gourmet vegetable melange
sore crotches
and satisfied beginning
rhone – wilkinson creek
thursday, may 22
lost wallet delivery
allows on time departure
and sets th tone
by g.l.o.r.i.a.
holding th gate open
gives time and space
for muse to visit
while others crash
before lunch time
round two pannier loss recognition
in downtown beaverdale
where two page harley foldout waiter
gives nine klick hypothetical shortcut
before retreat retrace by two
and late afternoon snooze th rest
allowing second ecstacy to appear
and pushes on
in hopes of finding perfect campsite
before sore crotch mutiny
almost occurs
and mythical log cabin fantasies
are abandoned
in favour of early to bed
minimal meal
after scouts return
just in time
wilkinson creek – hydraulic lake
friday, may 23
dropping off
sick man down
beyond th state of reason
makes change of default settings
and roadside wait
for mythical return
of rescue backwoods hillbilly truck
stopped and waiting
for pairing up
happens after solo sighting
of two young brown bears
is done by one
before cougar crossing for others
lets reason prevail
arriving with communication breakdown
after summit passing
to hydraulic campsite
where peace returns
with more gourmet vegy stew
leaving little more than waiting
for canyon to come
hydraulic lake – myra station
saturday, may 24
large puddle plunge
wets clean laundry
before lost pedal
slows to curse
of minimal tool supply
leading to improvised correction
and pushing off again
before second loss
in monster mud puddle
changes all to bike store
delivery rescue
and afternoon
cross road canyon rest reprise
before beer rescue
and bike repairs
no questions asked
lounging above lights below
lets muscles restore
and anticipation grow
for feats and pleasures
to come
myra station – chute lake
sunday, may 25
myra canyon
arrival into burnt canyon
where structural scarred forest renewal
competes with feats of man
as tiny flirting fleeting
white breasted cliff swallows
darting distant
and blend tunnelled wind falling river
as rising heat of late spring
desert morn
wends slowly through it all
arrive at chute lake station
last century museum
and eat last five pieces
of rhubarb apple pie
before dinner
and shower laundry
shows bushed behaviour
often seem in species
of limited capacity
chute lake
monday, may 26
rained out
waiting out rainstorm
and left
by one with more power than realized
creates anger in some
control in others
leaving broken soaken campsite
to rustic cabin refuge
creates control over pool table
‘til return of lost compatriots
and arrival of others
changes focus of attention
from learner who keeps winning
to silent listening
waiting for opportunity
to enter conversation
and hopes to come
that leads finally
to refuge
with familiar playing cards
where little satisfaction
is gained
chute lake - penticton
tuesday, may 27
going uphill
after switchback turn
demonstrates little to some
and forces falling behind
causing tortoise and hare to be played
at rising rock ovens
and beyond
before missed red barrel lunch stop date
lets more stunning views
loosing touch
never to see again
stepping into city life
as close to what is found
at beach side lake lunch
before strip city resort
where reservations are needed
to prevent cross city walk
to closing steak house
penticton – princeton – vancouver - courtenay
wednesday, may 28
to where it started
after final city bike spin
ties up all loose bits
and leads to fast conclusion
with raging rapids rest stop
before return
and spill back into
fast lane
where making th ferry
with time to spare
is fitting way
to end
haiku to end
return to loved ones
bike trip memories intact
waiting for next year
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